Monday, February 11, 2008

Global Warming di sana sini..

Today morning,Mr.Hubby is arriving from Stockholm.He didn't ask me to fetch him today,nasib baik..I always think,that Monday morning is not a good day to fetch him because to my experience & my observation,Monday morning traffic is always congested.To my opinion,maybe after a weekend rest,people are somehow in a very energetic state to re-start their routine-pegi kerja,doing businesses,selesaikan urusan harian,banking,antar anak sekolah & many more.Usually it is not just in the morning,sometimes it's up until evening or even late at night..Itulah dia bila semangat menguasai diri..

Looking at Mr.Hubby's duty roster this month,aku gumbira.He will be at home for a long OFF,until 23rd Feb.That's about 10 days beb!!Wow,aku memang suka yang amat.*saper tak suka bila laki duk rumah berkepit dgn kita siang malam woooo??*But one thing for sure,when he's off,my duty is on..a duty as a lifetime hubby's companion will be utilized to the max,guaranteed!!Bermakna,tugas menemani dia dari seawal pagi sehinggalah sampai mata takleh nak bukak *dah tengah malam*,is on the list again... alahai... Tapi apo nak buat,syurga di bawah telapak kaki suami..kan..kan..kan..

Siang semalam,I remember 'skyping' with him in Stockholm.I was asking him the weather in Stockholm when he replied, there's no longer snowing.Aikkk, aku terus je mencongak2 dalam kepala otak ni,last time he was there during the New Year's Eve,the snow just started to fall.And,lumrah alam,being a Scandinavian country,normally it goes on until months,supposedly now is the peak winter,with -5 Celcius.But,Mr.Hubby said the temperature during the day now is ranging 7-8 Celcius..*confused*.It's an undoubtedly the effect of Global Warming.Chehhh,macam datuk bandar berucap laks rasanya..hehehe.Yes,dalam istilah 'environmental condition' it's called global warming.But,from my personal point of view,it is one of the significant signs,leading to the End of World.The earth keeps changing its rotation,keeps tilting its position,until one day,we really find,the sun rises from its west..Subhanallah..

Ya Allah,jadikanlah kami antara orang2 yang tidak kerugian..Semoga kami menjadi antara orang2 yg terawal kembali ke jalanMu..Telah banyak petanda yang Engkau turunkan,celikkan mata kami,terangilah hati kami untuk menyedarinya ya Allah.Tingkatkanlah iman & taqwa kami,jadikanlah kami antara yang paling bersedia & gembira untuk menemuiMu.Amiinnn...


Hanum said...

couldn't be more than agree!!... sini snow pun kurenngg... although skarang dah reached -13 celcius. elnino is expected this year... so bersiap sedia lah...

Madiera said...

yup..snow baru turun 3 kali je kat Birm ni...tu pun ciput je..just dalam 4-5 hours..setakat buat snow ball boleh lah...


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