Saturday, January 12, 2008

Hijrahkan diriku Ya Allah!!

Maal Hijrah to all my beloved Muslim friends & to all Muslims out there. Islam is beautiful, we are being united in one soul, guided by a path called Iman, heading to one destiny called an-Nur, accompanied by one true friend called al-Quran & Sunnah.. Hijrah this time made me ever thought,in what sense of 'hijrah' I've done all this year? I mean, all of us have our long-list of resolutions we often made when a new year came, but how quality is the achievements? Easier listed than done, I might say. How many percent of those resolutions we really put into commitment? Are we consistently be on the right track to accomplish those determinations? My heartiest 'syabbas' to those who perseveringly trying to fulfill their strong wills no matter how. It's a painstaking efforts,I know.. because I'm doing the same thing right now, and even it's just begun, 3 days as on today,I already feel the pain. May Allah gives me strength, an inner strength to overcome the 'al-Khonnas' inside me..

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