Friday, February 29, 2008
very good tension reliever...
and yang ni pun....
yang ni 2 guys yg tak diterima masuk Akademi Fantasia..naper yek??diorg nyanyi best aper... tengok..tengok..jgn tak tengok...
NOTES : thank u very much to KAY for your great great effort.. (aku copy paste takpa ahh???)
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
The promised
Three of us arrived at Subang Parade (i should get commission from Subang Parade for marketing this mall...been few times rasanya aku duk promote..) almost on scheduled.. We were all starving bagai nak we straight heading to uhmmm Dave Deli's. I had meatballs (as usual), Mama Ullya was very obssesed with her Lamb Chop & Kak Sal didn't had anything..(diet ler tuuu) but ended up 'powwing' kitorg punya meal..hehe.. Makan2..citer2..
About 5.30,we made a moved from our meal table... cekononnya nak balik cepat.. but I couldn't resist asking them to enter Kassa boutique, which, i've been eyeing the shop since we were at Dave Deli's..(dah kedai tu neighbour restaurant ni..pandai Mama Ullya pilih tempat..).. Got a chance to influence kak sal pilih2 baju,tapi she was in a maybe she'll come again next time.. Me & Mama usual..windowing..until she found the baju kurung that we have targeted last time..(masa tu takde size..camner this time ader plak nihh..).. Apa lagi..masuk fitting room ler.. Sah! Dia berkenan.. tambah lagi,i handed her a matching scarf,huhhh terus bayar wa cakap lu... I told u..with this shopping-devil beside,don't dare to walk home empty-handed lah geng!! And,me..lucky i have a little 'sedar diri',manage to control myself but still with something..this scarf..
Owhhh..i received a call from the clinic which Mak underwent the Pap Smear last month..saying the result is now ready for collection. But,i am a little bit unhappy from the voice tone of the nurse..she said.."ada sikit2 nak kena explain".. Kan saya dah kata...saya cepat risau... Ya Allah,semoga Mak sihat sejahtera..takde apa2 yg merbahaya..Kau jauhilah Mak dari segala penyakit..amiinnn.. I will accompany Mak to the clinic this Thursday..
Mr.Hubby is on his way home,will be arriving tomorrow morning. So,do expect a silence,again.. for couple of days ya!!I will come back earlier if i manage to slip away from my routine..
Till then..take care!!
Out of Kepompong..
So,gotta go..preparing myself..ironing,'make-up'ing and...did i tell u i haven't had a shower yet!!! Ishhhhh..malu malu.... In the meantime, nak makan kat ner karang yek?? Never mind, will think of that in the train..(my car gone for service again....and it's MAJOR u know!!!! Arrghhh!!!)..
Till then..detailing later...
Monday, February 25, 2008
Mertua VS Menantu..
Yup, i am & have been living under one roof with my in-laws for almost 6 years now.. (now u get the picture right??) Or,according to my best friends,it's not me who have been living with them,it's them (inlaws) who have been staying with us (me & Mr.Hubby). I admit tho,my life is much much different from you who stay separately with in-laws.But,i'm not on the other hand, said i'm not happy..overall.The right word is,life is more restricted & every steps must be taken with care..banyak hati nak kena jaga..dan mungkin juga diorg jugak berhempas pulas cuba nak menjaga hati aku pulak...mengingatkan hal ni,hati menjadi tenang kembali.....
I believe,none of us would say they have a witch-like's new era lah..bukan zaman cinderella lagi dah.. But,that doesn't mean,staying together with them bring no tense in our life.They did,indeed.But the most important thing,how we handle the we attend to our problems.. There are so many differences between me & my in-laws (motherinlaw,fatherinlaw,adik ipar,kakak ipar,abang ipar & biras2) in terms of giving opinions,lifestyles,house management,budibahasa,cara duduk,cara cakap,cara masak,cara layan many many things.. What to do,we come from a different & totally different culture, eventhough we are still from the same Malaysia..and still walk under the same sun.. To me,these differences really drove me crazy,once,in my old times when i still could not accept the differences between us.Alhamdulillah,Mr.Hubby is on my side..i mean in terms of cara2 menguruskan rumahtangga ni..(please refer to my last entry on Simple Rules in the house)..those are the examples yg aku still pening sampai sekrg!!Tapi,aku tak salahkan sesaper..dah memang nature diorg sebegitu,mungkin ada yg perilaku aku pulak yg diorg nak ubah.. Yang penting,aku tetap dgn cara aku..cara aku mengendalikan rumahtangga aku memang sebegini..lama-kelamaan mungkin Mak & yg lain-lainnya akan terikut sama...Pray is the strongest will..So,hati menjadi tenang kembali.......
Every weekend (or kdg2 selang weekend),ipar duai will come home. First brother & his wife from Rawang, second sister & her family (with 3 kids & org gaji), or dua adik2 ipar tiri yg dah ada anak sorang, or adik ipar yg belum kawen lagi dari Wangsa Maju.. Dan,the crucial part is..none of them is 'geng satu kepala' dgn aku..or with Mr.Hubby.. But then again..kebijaksanaan menangani situasi plays the important role in this matter. Aku tak ler kata aku ni bijak..tapi alhamdulillah..experiences taught me so much walaupun kekadang tersasar jugak dari landasan yg betul...hehehe.. Yang pasti,menjamu depa2 tu saban hari,saban minggu dah ku anggap sebagai satu sedekah,satu zakat adik-beradik..walaupun until now,aku tak tahu bila pulak aku nak merasa 'sedekah' diorg tuu... Tapi,again...kewarasan akal mengatakan.."mana tahu,hari ni hari orang,esok2 hari kita pulak"... So,hati menjadi tenang kembali....
Aku happy..selama 6 tahun aku di rumah ni..aku berjaya menjadi seorang pelawak..kalaupun bukan raja lawak.. Aku sedikit sebanyak berjaya turn my inlaw family from a serious one,to a more ceria.. Dan,mungkin orang terpaksa mengaku...yang akulah anak pertama yg boleh bergurau senda,berlawak sakan dgn ayah mertua aku.. It's my forever mission,to make people around me happy.. What is deep inside me..not important to them to know.If they are good enough,they will notice it themselves..tapi..ahh no worries lah.. My relationship with my motherinlaw is like best friend..we can share almost anything far so good.. If i have something bothering me,dissatisfaction..i would rather stay quietly in my room..until i feel relax & ready to forgive & forget..then baru aku keluar bilik..making jokes again.. Masa kita masih panjang..ibarat kata Forrest Gump, "life is like a box of chocolate, we never knew what we will get".. Tak tahu macam mana anak menantu kita akan melayan kita pulak in the future.. Realizing this, hati menjadi tenang kembali.....
Panjang lebar jugak entry aku kali ni..but i'm too reluctant to tell you the sad part of this story.. Kalau nak will be days. To cut the story short..we have to accept.."nothing is perfect in this whole little world".. Kita salahkan orang,entah2 orang lain pun salahkan kita. Perbaiki diri,hiasi peribadi agar kita disenangi..
To Mr.Hubby..thank you so much..beyond words..for your understanding. I know this is the price i should pay for marrying 'anak emak ayah'..hehehe.. The time i married you,i already knew it comes in a package..and i have agreed that beforehand...but i'm least,this makes me lain dari yang lain... I know,Allah is with me..all the time..He will guide me,help me...
To those who are still doubtful about me staying with inlaws-you better pray for my happiness..hahahaha... And to those who believe in me, thank you.. Aku teringat satu lagu..
YOU'RE STILL THE ONE - shania twain
(When I first saw you, I saw love.
And the first time you touched me, I felt love.
And after all this time, you're still the one I love.)
Looks like we made it
Look how far we've come my baby
We mighta took the long way
We knew we'd get there someday
Bridge: They said, "I bet they'll never make it"
But just look at us holding on
We're still together still going strong
Chorus: (You're still the one) You're still the one I run to
The one that I belong to
You're the one I want for life
(You're still the one) You're still the one that I love
The only one I dream of
You're still the one I kiss good night
Ain't nothin' better
We beat the odds together
I'm glad we didn't listen
Look at what we would be missin'
I'm so glad we made it
Look how far we've come my baby
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Dalam dilemma..
Walk and walk..until my feet ached... due to my poorly designed shoes, very unpractical to wear..but it is more unpractical to me for buying it in the first place anyway..and i think it is the shoes that giving me headache lately..coz the front part of the shoes is so narrow thus they hold my fingers **eh,jari kaki pon org panggil fingers ke ah??** very tightly especially the toes..and according to the reflexiology view,the toes represent our head...Ohhh no wonder lah.. Now, with this concrete reason,i can persuade my inner part to look fo another pair of shoes,which then become another kind of headache,as usual..coz i am really really fussy **which is sometimes good** when it comes to choosing shoes...
Looking for right shoes is not that difficult, but seeing the price is quite painful..Why the comfortness always come with a high price huh??I was in the JUSCO when i found this very soft pair,yet comfortable enough for my feet until i discover the brand,with the tag of rm239.00..Mak datukkkk..just for the sandals actually..not really shoes..Buang duit buang duit...cancel... Then i saw another one, lain brand, about the same design as that rm239 sandals, but much much cheaper..rm49.00.. Try slipping them on, doing catwalk left & right, just felt so-so to buy..So,without waiting any longer,i put it on as soon as paying it!
After that,as i continued my cucimata session..i saw something that really caught my attention.Before coming to MV,i browsed Melium Magazine & fell in love with a TOD'S handbag..i know,cinta tak semestinya bersatu..and for one reason..MAHAL..tak mungkin hasratku utk memilikinya tercapai...But,seeing this handbag at the JUSCO..surprisingly it is 90% similar to that TOD'S,hatiku menjadi tak keruan..hehehe..It's jus rm79.00..huargh huargh huarghhh..aku sukaaaaa... Tgh belek2 beg tu,i looked at my own handbag..baru lagi aku beli..murah..baru rm35, ada buckle G,which my frens thought it is GUESS but it is actually stand for GIANT..but it's too small..too small for my all-in purse,two extra-large Roberto Cavalli sunglasses casing **Mr.Hubby selalu tumpang letak dlm bag** & other woman's stuff.. Kadang2 bila nak ambik purse tu,selalu kena geledah mcm mak nenek nak cari duit dlm poket bra zaman dulu2.. And this targeted handbag has more compartments,bigger size,and nice.**kalau dah berkenan tu,nampak elok aje le**
I hv had a thorough look inside the bag,dah try galas pun..but still cannot decide..nak beli ke tidak..nak beli ke tidak..It's my resolution this year not to spend much more than is necessary, but i think that bag is a necessity for me..kwang3x... angkat..letak..angkat..
The phone rang.."Syg,i tunggu u dekat South Court,Level 2..cepat skit ye.."
.... LETAK...
dan sampai sekarang,aku masih terbayang2 akan beg ituuu....
Something might be useful..
Ermmm..sound meaningful huh??Don't u think so??
I received a Love Notes!!!
So,to cut the story was more than a hectic week for me & Mr.Hubby.**i told u before**. Life was all day long on the road.. Memang tak abis2 ukur jalan. Dari start dia cuti until yesterday, 1 hour before he's going off baru abis routine. Semalam konon2 nye nak rilek-rilek kat umah,sebab malam nye Mr.Hubby kerja. Cuma sebelah pagi,ada jemputan breakfast together gether kat rumah our friend, Zack & Liza with their 6 kids..**have i told u,they hv 6 kids ok? and Liza just turned 27 this year?** Pastu Mak called,cakap Ati need our favour, kena join sekali Food Tasting **testing ah??** kat UPM by the catering comp that she will be booking for the wedding.. Being 'anak yg menurut perintah', Mr.Hubby said yes even tho aku berkali2 jegilkan mata kat dia..**evil's laughing**. Dah pegi UPM, alang2..kenalah pegi tgk rumah kat Sepang..dah nak pegi tgk rumah tu,terpaksalah jugak bawak kotak2 lampu supaya pekerja2 Indon ada kerja nak dibuat selama Mr.Hubby pegi kerja... **apa??ingat boleh duduk saje ke??**.. Dah alang2 pulak pegi ke Sepang, sure Ati ajak terus ke Bandar Baru Nilai yg sekangkang kera aje dari rumah aku tu for her wedding dress.. Aduh makkkkk....
Yang aku rasa cam nak naik hangin.. As soon as we arrived kat UPM, I was thinking of having lunch there..**yelah dah nama food tasting,mestilah ada makanan**. Rupa2 nye ditapaunyer makanan2 tu for us. Alasannya, bekas dah abis basuh...Grrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!! Takpe,sabau sabau.. So aku ingat nak bantai aje kat luar dewan tu, dgn Mr.Hubby, Mak & Ati.. tp Butik Pengantin tu pulak tutup pkl 5, and it was already 4 pm by then, jadi the packed food remains packed until we reached the boutique. Sampai kat butik plak, Ati tu mcm tak berkenannnn aje dgn design2 yg sudah ku anggap glamer2 tu **yelah artis pon ada ambik kat situ**.. Monconggggg je.. Ermmmmmmm... Tak terbalas penat lelah ku menyervey ** root word nye Survey** sampai ke ceruk dunia.. Lepas gi tengok rumah kejap, balik..and by the time we reached home, it was half an hour to cook Mr.Hubby's bekal **sardine aje lah nampaknyer**, dinner & get ready to work..**pick-up pukul 8.45** Argghhhh penat nye..dah rasa cam nak demam je..
10 hari Mr.Hubby on leave,10 hari tu jugak aku dikerah tenaga ke sana sini.. Nak merungut pun, tu semua saham untuk ke syurga..**insyallah**... So, bila dia dah nak gi kerja balik..I was like."lega nyerrr..boleh la aku rehatkan badan, bangun pagi lambat skit, pegi facial ke, cooking2 ke..Nak rehat cukup2.."
Pick-up datang tepat pada waktunya.. and while waving bubyee to him, i was already Zzzzz in my head...Sempat jugak aku sms dia suruh call before departure walaupon aku dah tido..and he did call me, but until now,i couldn't recall what we talked..hehehe..
Until got up this morning, I saw a sms in my phone.. saying this:
"syg u.miss u was a nice & beautiful 12-days being with u.i will treasure every moment with u so much sayang..good night..sweet dreams."
....and i was like.."LOVE IS IN THE AIR" sweet..**romantik jugak laki aku ni** he used to say love words every day almost every hour of the day, but writing it is very seldom. so,when i read this,i know it's pure honest from his lovely heart.. thanks my dear...
and now, despite of being thankful for my OFF day without him..i just can't wait for him to return back that our love journey on the road will start again....
Monday, February 18, 2008
Mrs's prattling..1st part
It's Friday again. Time flew so fast-friday to friday is now just a blink away.I always think,what have I done in between?How many tasks have I completed?As I'm writing this n3,I'm sitting in my car waiting for Mr.Hubby to perform his dutiful Friday prayer.I'm almost like this every week, it's either waiting in the car,or alone having pre-lunch (if a restaurant nearby) or doing a window shopping (if the mosque is in vicinity of any shopping mall).Will I still be like this when we have kids?I asked Mr.Hubby once, and he said "YESS!OF COURSE". Sometimes,I feel really tired of doing this.I mean,keep accompanying him wherever he goes,in whatever he does.Be it at the car service,workshop (tukar tayar,buat allignment,balancing),at the barbershop,at the DVD shop,meeting his friends,going to the grocery just to buy batteries, name it..anywhere,everytime..Yup,I'm his true companion,making me again 100% agree with this blog title.Sometimes have to admit tho,isn't it nice if I'm just stay at home,doing cooking,and wait for him at home,just like other people?However,with extra awareness,I know,lives vary.Depends on what type of person we are,what character do we posses,what expectations do we hope & what environment we are in..Realizing this,I came to be thankful,that Mr.Hubby really needs me,all the time in his life,as I compared to those who seldomly see their husband,to those who always be abandoned by their husband,yet I feel grateful to Allah..and I pray this would be forever..
But,will you agree with me,it's difficult to practice IKHLAS?Easier said than done.When we give too much,we tend to expect the return too high.Not materialistically though,it's in all aspects,especially for the same sacrifices that we made for him..
***Mr.Hubby is on his way back from the mosque now.GTG..Bear with me for the 2nd part,if you want to...hahaha***
Monday, February 11, 2008
Global Warming di sana sini..
Looking at Mr.Hubby's duty roster this month,aku gumbira.He will be at home for a long OFF,until 23rd Feb.That's about 10 days beb!!Wow,aku memang suka yang amat.*saper tak suka bila laki duk rumah berkepit dgn kita siang malam woooo??*But one thing for sure,when he's off,my duty is on..a duty as a lifetime hubby's companion will be utilized to the max,guaranteed!!Bermakna,tugas menemani dia dari seawal pagi sehinggalah sampai mata takleh nak bukak *dah tengah malam*,is on the list again... alahai... Tapi apo nak buat,syurga di bawah telapak kaki suami..kan..kan..kan..
Siang semalam,I remember 'skyping' with him in Stockholm.I was asking him the weather in Stockholm when he replied, there's no longer snowing.Aikkk, aku terus je mencongak2 dalam kepala otak ni,last time he was there during the New Year's Eve,the snow just started to fall.And,lumrah alam,being a Scandinavian country,normally it goes on until months,supposedly now is the peak winter,with -5 Celcius.But,Mr.Hubby said the temperature during the day now is ranging 7-8 Celcius..*confused*.It's an undoubtedly the effect of Global Warming.Chehhh,macam datuk bandar berucap laks rasanya..hehehe.Yes,dalam istilah 'environmental condition' it's called global warming.But,from my personal point of view,it is one of the significant signs,leading to the End of World.The earth keeps changing its rotation,keeps tilting its position,until one day,we really find,the sun rises from its west..Subhanallah..
Ya Allah,jadikanlah kami antara orang2 yang tidak kerugian..Semoga kami menjadi antara orang2 yg terawal kembali ke jalanMu..Telah banyak petanda yang Engkau turunkan,celikkan mata kami,terangilah hati kami untuk menyedarinya ya Allah.Tingkatkanlah iman & taqwa kami,jadikanlah kami antara yang paling bersedia & gembira untuk menemuiMu.Amiinnn...
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Tak sabar nak dapat ayah baru...woohooo!!!
We, the 7siblings, unexpectedly being so overjoyed about this wedding. Bukan senang woo,dapat tgk mak sendiri kawen..dolu2 kitorg belum maujud lagi.. Kalau boleh, we all nak organize kenduri besar-besaran gitu, with Mommy & hubby2B in Songket *takkan french lace plak kan..lawan tokei tuuu*, wedding cake cutting, bersanding, alaahh macam kawen2 org lain gak..tapi the hubby2B malu-malu kucing plak..hehhe. Dah sound awal2, no dais, no hantaran, nothing. Cuma ambik gambar anak-beranak je.. *tp bab yg potong kek tu memang aku dah siapkan agendanya, surprise* hehehe
Last Friday, me, kakak, abang pie, ateh, kak teh & nieces & nephews went to Gulati's to find the mysterious Yellow & Blue material for the day. Aku rasa, sebesar2 alam Gulati's tu, cuma ada 4 corak aje with that combination. Kak Teh ambik chiffon yellow with blue embroidery on it while Kakak bought a yellow see through linen matched with blue lining.. Glamour wa cakap lu!! Me? Browse down the past entries, you will find a baju yellow-blue I bought last month.. Itulah dia..kui kui kui..
For the time being...aku memang tak sabar menunggu hari bersejarah ituuuu....
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Lomah-longlai Semangat Eden!!!
Monday, February 4, 2008
SAY it right or SPELL it right?
On the left is the word & on the right is its pronounciation.
HERMES (air-mez)
CHRISTIAN LOUBOUTIN (kree-styaan lu-bu-tahn)
YVES SAINT LAURENT (eef-song lor-han)
LANVIN (lon-vahn)
LOUIS VUITTON (loo-wee vee-tahn)
PORSHE (pore-sha)
GUERLAIN (gur-lan)
COSME DECORTE (cos-may day-co-tay) ...this one sound logic
LA MER (la-mare) ...and this one too
KOSE (co-say) ...again
CHOPARD (show-par) ...i remember telling my friend "cantik rantai datuk K bagi kat siti,cho-pad..
PIAGET (pee-ah-zhay)
BULGARY (bull-gery)
JAEGER LECOUTRE (yay-ger ler-coolt)
AUDEMARS PIGUET (oh-dee-mar pee-gay)
CABOCHON (care-ber-shawn)
TOURBILLON (tur-bi-yon)
Ok anak-anak,dah terbelit lidah korang sumer?? Terfikir sejenak, why can't they just spell it as it sounds? Ermmm dah dari azali nak wat camner??
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Joburg City-Rosebank FleaMarket-Montecasino..
Dah puas tgk bandar dalam debar..(chewahhh).. we went straight to Rosebank Mall Flea Market. It's a large shopping mall where the rooftop is converted to a flea market aka African Craft Market on Sunday.
Cute Lions & 'Cute' Traditions!!
tengok mata girraffe macam pakai Mascara kan??
Mula2,aku geli nak bagi makan kat giraffe ni,sebab lidah dia panjang giler..pastu nanti tersentuh2 kulit tangan kita... tu yang takleh tahan tu..
2nd: HAVING FUN WITH LION CUBS..gerammnyyerr
Mr.Hubby just been bitten by that cub..berbekas jugaklah..Kalau dah singa tu,singa jugak..
Then we drove into the Safari to meet & greet the WILDS!!
Aku dah tak ingat nama binatang ni..
the OSTRICH, yang hidupnya tak terurus..tak pernah beli sikat agaknya dia ni..
Seram & meremang jugak bulu roma bila mak2 bapak2 singa ni lalu sebelah van kitorang...rasa macam nak turun gi peluk pun ada...geram tgk bulu badan dia..
Being welcome by the 'Wakil Penduduk'..hehe
Their creative wall paintings, colourful & very geometrical.
Tetiba je budak afrika ni 'manja' dengan aku..he's so cute kan??
These were all taken at the Village, with 5 out of 11 African thribes: Zulu, Lesotho, Pedi, Xhosa, ...lupa...
Thank you to Abg Wan x-MIL's family, for the great hospitality and a nice story and a delisious cheese cake too....
We were then heading to Abg Wan's house, to meet his wife, (ex-stewardess), Kak Aisyah. Rumah abg Wan pun canteekk sgt..geram aku tgk...